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九年级英语教案What would you do?教学设计与反思

[07-24 23:08:26]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英语教学反思   阅读:8879
概要:文章 来源(www.t6t5.com) Period One 一、 教材分析 1、 教材简析 此课为本单元的第一节课,主要谈论假想的情况,它围绕着以下 两个话题展开: ①What would you do if you had a million dollars? ②If I were you, I would …… 2、 教学目标 ⑴知识目标: ①What would you do if you had a million dollars? I’d give the money to charity.
九年级英语教案What would you do?教学设计与反思,标签:英语教学反思范文,http://www.t6t5.com
文章 来源(www.t6t5.com)

  Period One
   一、 教材分析
   1、 教材简析
   ①What would you do if you had a million dollars?
   ②If I were you, I would ……
   2、 教学目标
   ①What would you do if you had a million dollars?
   I’d give the money to charity.
   ②If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.
   3、 重点和难点
   What would you do if you had a million dollars?
   I’d give it to medical research.
   If I were you, I’d take a small present.
   ⑵难点:2a 部分,听the reasons why Larry is nervous。
   4、 教学辅助工具:录音机,图片
   二、 学情分析
   三、 教学方法
   本课采用任务型教学法,用What would you do if you had a million dollars?这个问句,引出谈论假想情况的话题。 采用提问、启发和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。
   四、 教学过程设计
   Step Ⅰ. Greet the whole class as usual.
   Step Ⅱ. Warming-up
   T: Do you have ten Yuan in your pocket?
   S1: No, I don’t.
   T: (Take out ten Yuan and give it to the student)
   OK, never mind. What would you do if it was yours? What would you do if you had ten Yuan?
   S1: I would buy snacks.
   T: OK, thank you. Sit down, please.
   (To the whole class) Just now, it was only ten Yuan. What about 100 Yuan? What would you do

if you had 100 Yuan?
   S2: I’d buy a beautiful jacket.
   T: Thank you.
   (To the whole class) Now suppose you had a million dollars, what would you do? We know that

one dollar nearly equals eight Yuan, so that’s a large sum of money. Think it over carefully and tell

me your ideas. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
   S3: I’d buy a big house.
   S4: I’d buy a sports car.
   S5: I’d put it in the bank.
   T: OK, stop here. Please look at the blackboard and guess what would I do if I had a million

   (Teacher puts two pictures onto the blackboard and asks students to guess.)
   Answers: ①I’d give the money to the zoo.
   I want to help pandas.
   ②I’d give the money to the medical research.
   I want to help the sick people.
   Step Ⅲ. Listening
   1. Section A 1a.
   Add more ideas and write them down,
   2. Ask two students to write their answers onto the blackboard, and then correct them.
   3. Section A 1b.
   Listen to the tape and number the pictures 1-3.

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