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复习课课堂教学实录:Units 21-22 Book II

[07-16 18:36:24]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  课堂实录   阅读:8211
概要:www.t6t5.com经典文章Units 21-22 Book II执教人单位:临沂六中 执教人:咸 慧复习目标1. 复习Units21-22的单词和短语,并能熟练运用重点短语造句2. 总结语法:并列句和反身代词3. 增加语篇阅读,强化限时阅读4. 运用Module 14中的单词和短语,连词成篇教学过程:复习任务一 Class report报告的内容必须和本模块的话题有关。报告者先提出问题再进行报告,然后学生回答问题。点评:Class report既复习了本模块的话题,又训练了学生的听力。学生们带着问题听报告会更有针对性。复习任务二 Words and expressionsStep
复习课课堂教学实录:Units 21-22 Book II,标签:课堂实录范文,http://www.t6t5.com

Units 21-22 Book II

执教人单位:临沂六中  执教人:咸  慧


1. 复习Units21-22的单词和短语,并能熟练运用重点短语造句

2. 总结语法:并列句和反身代词

3. 增加语篇阅读,强化限时阅读

4. 运用Module 14中的单词和短语,连词成篇


复习任务一  Class report

报告的内容必须和本模块的话题有关。报告者先提出问题再进行报告,然后学生回答问题。点评:Class report既复习了本模块的话题,又训练了学生的听力。学生们带着问题听报告会更有针对性。

复习任务二  Words and expressions

Step1:  检查《同步》 Words and expressions Exx1-2 and then discuss in groups.

点评:对单词和短语的复习已提前在课下进行,《同步》也要求尽量在课下完成,课上只对Words and expressions进行抽查。小组讨论体现了学生的自主学习,使学生对单词理解得更透彻。教师只对疑难问题进行解惑。


Step2: 习题:用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1) He _____off the tree and hurt his left leg. (fall)

2) n the end, the police _______out the robber’s address and arrested him quickly. (find)

3) When she heard the news, her eyes _______with excitement. (shine)

4) I hear someone ________the piano in the next room. (play)

5) Last week, our school______ a football match. To our surprise, the girls’ team beat the boys’ and_____. (hold /win)


Step3: 《同步》III.

1. Read these phrases aloud and translate them into Chinese orally, then translate the following Chinese sentences into English.

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