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六年级下册《Unit 10 Waiting for another hare》教学反思

[09-14 13:09:23]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英语教学反思   阅读:8323
概要:www.t6t5.com 六年级下册《Unit 10 Waiting for another hare》教学反思_1、 备教学目标 2、教学内容分析3、备教学重难点4、备教学过程 Warming up :Review the past words Read and do the action Guess gamesPresentation and practice:Let Ss say sth. about the story in Chinese. Teach the new words__and make sentences with them. _Show the pict
六年级下册《Unit 10 Waiting for another hare》教学反思,标签:英语教学反思范文,http://www.t6t5.com
www.t6t5.com 六年级下册《Unit 10 Waiting for another hare》教学反思

_1、 备教学目标
Warming up :Review the past words
Read and do the action
Guess games
Presentation and practice:
Let Ss say sth. about the story in Chinese.
Teach the new words__and make sentences with them.
_Show the picture and say one sentence about the picture.(发挥学生联想,学生开始动脑思考,在提示词的帮助下学生先能用自己的语言讲述故事。)
Listen to the story and put the sentences in the right ordes.________________________________________________________Read the story and answer the questions.
_Practise the important sentences. “ To pick up the hare is certainly easier than to …”
Development:_________________________________________________What do you learn from the fable? ___________
Read and fill in the blanks.
Retell the story (给出思维导图, 能帮助学生理解故事发展顺序并清晰明白故事的核心内容,学生也会易于复述故事。)
邵:本节课是不是只突出解决“To …”其它的语法知识放在什么时候解决?
杨:“To …”这个句型在本节是一个难点,也是学生对故事的理解关键之处,所以本节课务必要重点突破。但其它在下节课继续学习。
杨:只要达到教学的目的都是可行的。只是教学过程中我们采用了不同的、适合教师、适合本班学生的教学活动而已,教师给予学生不同的学习方法也将导致学生在不同的技能上能力有所差别 。 www.t6t5.com

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