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帮妈妈做家务(Help mum do the housework) -小学英语作文

[10-11 00:56:25]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英语作文   阅读:8460
概要:www.t6t5.com 帮妈妈做家务(Help mum do the housework) One day, I said to my mum: "Mum, let me wash the dishes." "Really? I'm so happy to hear that." Mum said.下面描写妈妈的外貌与爱好的好句子,提供给学习较好的同学做习作参考。1开头句:Look! This is my mother. Let me describe her.2结尾句:I love her. She's the best m
帮妈妈做家务(Help mum do the housework) -小学英语作文,标签:英语作文大全,http://www.t6t5.com

帮妈妈做家务(Help mum do the housework)
    One day, I said to my mum: "Mum, let me wash the dishes." "Really? I'm so happy to hear that." Mum said.

1开头句:Look! This is my mother. Let me describe her.
2结尾句:I love her. She's the best mother in the world.
3、描写妈妈工作认真:Every day, she goes to work early and gets back late.
4、描写妈妈的可爱一面:She's cute. She likes to sit on the bed and watch TV.
5、描写妈妈对自己学习的帮助:My mom gives me a lot of help on my English study.
6、描写妈妈做家务:She usually tidies my room with me on the weekend.
7、聪明的孩子抄考卷上的现成的句子:My mother is very polite and helpful.
8、描写妈妈外貌:She is a little chubby.
9、描写妈妈的爱好:Her hobbies are reading and cooking. / She likes reading and cooking. / Her favorite things are reading and cooking.
10、描写妈妈的能力和对自己的帮助,使用了从句。 My mother is good at math. When I have some math questions, I always ask her.

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