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[10-11 00:42:24]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  中文求职信范文   阅读:8845
概要:Dear Sir,I will graduate from the University of Kansas with a Masters degree in June of this year. My major is Pharmacy and I am very interested in securing a position before I graduate, if possible.I am a Hong Kong Chinese and my bachelor's degree is from Hong Kong University.I have long been h

 Dear Sir,

  I will graduate from the University of Kansas with a Masters degree in June of this year. My major is Pharmacy and I am very interested in securing a position before I graduate, if possible.

  I am a Hong Kong Chinese and my bachelor's degree is from Hong Kong University.

  I have long been hopeful of working for you after I graduate, because I consider you the finest hospital in this region, I as sure that if I have the privilege of serving in your pharmacy, I will greatly increase my education and my experience.

  Needless to say, I will have completed a standard course in pharmacy before I graduate in June. In addition, I have chosen to elect all the courses available at my school in Hospital Pharmacy. I did this because I have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacy. My professors, Sr. John Harkin, Dr. Mildred Carter, and Dr. Iriny Schultz have give me permission to use their names as reference.

  If you have a position available after I graduate, I would appreciate it. If not, please keep my name on your file, because I consider your Pharmacy the best in this region.

                                                                                                                                                                      Sincerely yours,







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