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[07-16 21:34:28]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英语演讲稿   阅读:8877
概要:www.t6t5.com经典文章 Good day,everybody. I'm excited to be here. I have advice about frienship. Friendship is precious. Friendship makes life wonderful. Life is too short to lose a friend. Sometimes friends disagree. Sometimes argument happen. Here's how to avoid a breakup. First,apologize
www.t6t5.com经典文章   Good day,everybody. I'm excited to be here. I have advice about frienship. Friendship is precious. Friendship makes life wonderful. Life is too short to lose a friend. Sometimes friends disagree. Sometimes argument happen. Here's how to avoid a breakup. First,apologize when you're wrong. Apologize when you're right. It doesn't matter who is to blame. We all make mistakes. We all have regrets. Say you're sorry;forgive and forget. Be sincere in your apology. Really mean what you say. Chances are your friend will apologize,too. Second,always remain calm. Never lose your temper. Never say or do anything rash. Take a little break. Take time to cool off. Don't say anything in the heat of the moment. Come back when you're feeling calmer. Then talk about the problem. If you're calm,your friend will listen. Third,don'e avoid your friend. Don't isolate yourself. Never disappear or run away. Try to make contact. Try to communicate. Try to patch things up. All problems can be solved. But it takes a little work. Be willing to work at it. Fourth,be ready to compromise. Be open to suggestions. See things from your friend's point of view. Don't insist on your opinion. After all,you could be wrong. Maybe your friend knows a better way. Be tolerant and understanding. That's the basis of friendship. That's the secret to friendship and love. In conclusion,always clear up disagreements. Always cherish your friends. Friends are what make life worth living. Those are my words of wisdom. Tat's my advice to you. I hope you never need to use it! I appreciate your attention. Thank you all so much. Thank God for the beauty of friends. www.t6t5.com经典文章
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