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[哈佛校长的演讲]Good bye and good luck_英语演讲稿

[07-16 21:33:52]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英语演讲稿   阅读:8788
概要:大学是人类把不可或缺的智慧世代流传的殿堂。就人类所有公共机构而言,仅仅大学,能够超越当前的准则,注意到未来的可能性;能通过目前的判断,注意到突发的机遇。And among universities, Harvard stands out. With its great tradition, its iconic reputation, its remarkable network of 300,000 alumni, Harvard has never had as much potential as it does now. 哈佛在大学中间,鹤立鸡群。凭其伟大的传统、因袭声誉及其非凡的300
[哈佛校长的演讲]Good bye and good luck_英语演讲稿,标签:英语演讲稿范文,http://www.t6t5.com


And among universities, Harvard stands out. With its great tradition, its iconic reputation, its remarkable network of 300,000 alumni, Harvard has never had as much potential as it does now.


And yet, great and proud institutions, like great and proud nations at their peak, must surmount a very real risk: that the very strength of their traditions will lead to caution, to an inward focus on prerogative and to a complacency that lets the world pass them by.


And so I say to you that our University today is at an inflection point in its history. At such a moment, there is temptation to elevate comfort and consensus over progress and clear direction, but this would be a mistake. The University’s matchless resources - human, physical, financial - demand that we seize this moment with vision and boldness. To do otherwise would be a lost opportunity. We can spur great deeds that history will mark decades and even centuries from now. If Harvard can find the courage to change itself, it can change the world.


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